February 9, 2025


Full Of Eastern Travel

Kenya Travel Tips

On Arrival

Jomo Kenyatta International airport-The airport is about half -an -hour drive from Nairobi city center. taxis are readily available , but establish the fare before getting in.

Moi international airport -The airport is about 10 minutes from the city center allow an extra half -an-hour for your journey to the south coast because of the ferry crossing.

Visas: most visitors to Kenya require a visa .multiple and singe entry visas are available. Applications can be made at any Kenya high commission or embassy prior to traveling. The single entry visa (obtainable upon arrival) is USD50 (correct at the time of printing) or the equivalent in local currency.

Lost Luggage: Visit the lost luggage desk in the baggage hall before going though customs.

Getting around

Self drive-in Kenya most international car hire companies operate in Kenya. Vehicles travel on the left-hand side of the road and most cars are right hand drive .A current driving license with photograph is accepted for up to three month’s stay

Public transport: City buses operate at reasonably low rates fare are paid to the conductor. Matatus -private minibuses are abundant but usually crowded

Keeping in touch

Post offices: Open 8am-5pm weekdays, 9am-2pm on Saturdays.

Telephone services: Public pay phones (card and Coin) are automated .phone cards may be bought from post offices or international call offices. International calls can be dialed direct (Code 000) or operator assisted (dial 0195/6)

Mobile phones. Use either Safaricom or Celt. All major urban areas or many coastal regions have reception. Pay as you go SIM cards are readily available.


Internet cafes are increasingly common. Emails can also be sent from hotels, as can faxes and telexes.

Money matters

Currency Kenyan shilling (KSH) currently around Ksh67 per USD

Currency Regulations There are no restrictions on the movement of currency into Kenya for currency transactions.

Banking: foreign currency can be changed at banks, foreign currency bureau or hotels .Banks are open from 9am-3pm Monday to Friday and 9am-11:30am Saturday of each month. Banks in coastal towns open half an hour earlier. Some airport banks stay open 24/7

ATMS 24hour access can be found at most ATMs countrywide. Most accept international VISA cards

Credit cards- All major international cards are accepted.

Traveler’s choques Tcs are accepted at most banks, bureau and hotels.

Hotel bill payments- This can be usually be paid in shillings or convertible foreign currency.

Your being well
Emergency services dial 911

Hospital: Nairobi and Mombasa have good hospitals offering a casualty service.

Medical expenses Even with insurance cover, consultations and treatment will have to be paid for and the cost claimed back later.

General information

Voltage: All regions in Kenya are supplied with 240 volts AC.The plug in use thought-out Kenya is of the three square pi, 13 amp type.

Security it is a sensible precaution not to walk alone in the isolated towns or beach areas particularly after dark. Use common sense to prevent opportunistic
Tipping is appreciated. Most hotels and restaurants include a 10% service charge

The water in most city hotels is usually safe for drinking However, if in doubt, bottled water is available. Most Safari lodges provide filtered water. Water is precious; your help in using it sparingly is appreciated.

Public holidays in Kenya

January 1st new years Day

May 1 Labour day

June 1Makadara (self rule)Day

October 10th Moi Day

October 20th Kenyatta Day

December 12th Jamhuri Day (Independence/republic)

December 25th Christmas Day

December 26th Boxing Day

Movable dates Good Friday, Easter Monday, Eid -ul-fitr